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20 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week – working from home and self-isolation

Mental Health Awareness Week – working from home and self-isolation

Across Britain people are making big changes to their work routine and millions of people are working from home for the first time. This will mean quite an adjustment for lots of people. Working away from the office has implications for workers and managers.

Even in normal times it's important for peoples' wellbeing to make sure they are connected to their colleagues and their work if they are not coming into the workplace - at a time of serious anxiety, keeping an eye on your wellbeing and your colleagues' wellbeing will be really important.

It's important for employers to ensure that nobody is injured or made ill through their work - and that includes people working from home in a national crisis.

In an age where work and life need to integrate much more successfully, remote working can be a wonderful thing. But it is also full of pitfalls for both managers and employees.

Our H&S team have put together a document, which can help you or your employees with their mental health in these unprecedented circumstances.

20.05.20 – Guidance – Coronavirus Working from Home and Self Isolatio - Size: 170Kb Download
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