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2 February 2021

NI Executive - Covid-19 Productive Investment Capital Grant

NI Executive - Covid-19 Productive Investment Capital Grant

A new Covid grant scheme has been launched today. There is a very quick turnaround required on the application (24th Feb) and you will need to have commenced and incurred some expenditure before the end of March.

The scheme is operating on a first-come first-served basis and can provide financial assistance up to £250k for capital equipment, which will deliver productivity gains. The scheme is open to SME's and Large businesses operating within manufacturing, construction, information and communication, or professional, scientific and technical activities and which have seen liquidity impacted as a result of the pandemic.

There's an quick eligibility checker on the landing page (see link below). If this checks out ok, there is a short pre-application to make before you move to full application.

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For more information please contact:
Kyle Jardine
Kyle Jardine
0289 002 0135
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