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15 March 2021

Northern Ireland - COVID-19 Workplace Testing for Key Sector Employers

Northern Ireland - COVID-19 Workplace Testing for Key Sector Employers

Employers from key sectors within Northern Ireland can now access the national testing programme as part of a targeted expansion of asymptomatic testing.

Asymptomatic Testing Programme in Northern Ireland is being extended across public and private sector employers based on a series of prioritisation and principles, ensuring this is made available through a phased approach and to essential services to begin with.

Organisations who may wish to access the national testing programme and meet the prioritisation criteria are being invited to contact the Department of Health to register their interest.

Government support for workplace testing: Private sector

At this stage, expressions of interest are invited for regular asymptomatic testing in private sector workplaces which will follow a number of priorities (at this stage) and include:

  • private sector bodies/organisations which form part of the Northern Ireland critical infrastructure - providing critical functions
  • private sector/industry priorities to include:
    • agri-food
    • manufacturing
    • essential retail
    • distribution
    • transport
    • construction

As part of the approach to critical infrastructure, the programme team will also consider food supply and distribution companies; logistics and distribution companies; and, transportation companies.

Priorities will be evaluated and assessed according to the following principles:

  • organisations with more than 50 employees who cannot work from home
  • incidence of high prevalence
  • previous incidence of surge/outbreaks
  • workplaces where social distancing is difficult - at higher risk of exposure
  • organisations with more than 50 employees

Lateral Flow Tests will be used in the rollout of the workplace testing initiative and will help in the expansion of asymptomatic testing across a range of settings in Northern Ireland.


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