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14 September 2021

BPIF HR UPDATE - post JRS recovery

BPIF HR UPDATE - post JRS recovery

In March 2021, Rishi Sunak confirmed that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme would continue until the end of September 2021, to avoid a “cliff edge and to get people back to work in a measured way”. That cliff edge is now fast approaching and the measured ways of getting people back to work need to be considered.

BPIF and partner BOSS Federation are seeing common questions from members, and our HR Teams are supporting through step-by-step plans to ensure each stage is considered and effectively followed.

  • What do we do when the furlough scheme ends?
  • How do I get staff back to work, particularly when some staff refuse to come back to work?
  • Some staff want to continue the benefits they have had during the pandemic, for example, working from home or flexible working.
  • Is there enough work for all my staff to work the same hours they did before the pandemic?
  • Can I vary their contracts of employment to match the hours they work with the demands on their time?
  • It may be time to look at making redundancies, and if so, what do I do?
  • Are there structural changes I need to make to the company?
  • Has the pandemic changed the way the company operates, and if so can I make those changes contractual?

Please also click here to listen to our podcast for support:BPIF | Membership Services | Media | Podcasts (

If any of the above are ringing true with your current thoughts, then please contact our HR Team who have also put together a guidance document on 'Post JRS recovery' (member access below) or email [email protected] to get in touch.

Post JRS Recovery - Size: 198Kb Download
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