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17 April 2023

ArtSystems to address wide-format print waste in new webinar

ArtSystems to address wide-format print waste in new webinar

ArtSystems, the Nottingham-based specialist systems distributor and service provider, is to host a free webinar to discuss the challenges of wide-format print waste and what print service providers can do to tackle these issues.

Taking place on 24 April from 11:00am to 12:00pm, the ‘Wide-Format Waste and Practical Ways to Reduce and Manage It’ session will consider the core problems facing print businesses and feature real examples and programs of how to responsibly and cost effectively dispose of waste. 

ArtSystems’ Marketing Manager John Draycott will host the webinar and discuss the issue of wide-format print waste with a number of leading industry experts. 

Marcus Clifford, Regional Director of the BPIF; Jon Hutton, Director of Reconomy; and Jane Rixon, Business Development Manager for Signage and Decoration HP, will all offer insight into the issue and guidance on how to best overcome the primary challenges in this area.  

“It is no secret that when it comes to disposing of certain types of wide-format print waste, it can be a somewhat troublesome process for print service providers,” John Draycott said. “If you are looking for clear options on how to start to manage waste from wide-format print, then this webinar will do just that for you.” 

The full schedule is as follows: 

11.00 – 11.10: Introduction – John Draycott, ArtSystems 

11.10 – 11.30: Marcus Clifford Regional Director, BPIF 

11.30 – 12.00: Jon Hutton Director, Reconomy 

12.00 – 12.15: Jane Rixon Business Development Manager, Signage & Decoration, HP

12.15 – 12.30: Print and Waste in the Real World 

To register for the free webinar, please click here.


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