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25 November 2023

Four ways AI can transform the print and imaging industry

Four ways AI can transform the print and imaging industry

Since Quocirca first wrote about the potential of AI in the print industry in 2017, AI has entered the mainstream, impacting our everyday lives from self-driving cars to chatbots. The emergence of ChatGPT in November 2022 heralded a new era in generative artificial intelligence, and is set to disrupt a variety of industries. As it becomes the new reality for businesses, it has the potential to change the future of work. So how can the print industry embrace AI?

Discover more by reading this informative article on the Quocirca website here.

Quocirca is a leading source for independent original research, thought leadership and actionable insight to inform strategies, product development and marketing.

Source: Quocirca

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Kyle Jardine
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