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6 November 2023



Mark Francois, MP for Rayleigh & Wickford, today visited a leading book printer in Hockley. 4edge Ltd, based on Eldon Way Industrial Estate, prints and binds both hardback and paperback books for publishers of all sizes, from multi-national publishing houses to self-publishing authors. 

As the author of ‘Spartan Victory: The Inside Story of the Battle for Brexit’, Mark was fascinated to deepen his understanding of how the latest technology and traditional expertise means 4edge can create paperback runs in just five days. In line with global trends, the company also offers e-book conversion, publishing and distribution.

Mark joined Managing Director David Button and staff to tour the site and see books in production, finding out about challenges and opportunities for small print businesses, including environmental measures, local recruitment and energy costs. 

Mark also met Craig De Souza of the British Printing Industries Federation, and was surprised to learn that little-known fact that the UK is the fifth largest producer of printed products in the world.

David Button, 4edge’s Managing Director said:

"It was a pleasure to welcome Mark to 4edge, to introduce him to the unique work we do and the people who make it happen.  

"Times are challenging, with energy and materials prices affecting printers up and down the country. So, it was a brilliant opportunity to discuss how companies like ours – and the national print industry as a whole – could be supported by Government.  

"Visits like this show politicians that our industry is evolving to meet customer demands for unique products, environmentally friendly approaches and the latest technology. 

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