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28 November 2023

Focus on sustainability at drupa

Focus on sustainability at drupa

Sustainability is a key issue in the run-up to drupa, there will be a spotlight on it at drupa, and it will be a critical concern beyond drupa. As such drupa have published some informative blogs on sustainability in printing.

Sustainability in Print & Packaging

It is one of the main topics of our time: "Sustainability" is more than just a green buzzword, but with regard to the finite nature of fossil resources and the devastating effects of the CO2 emissions of the leading industrial nations, a necessary and central aspect of long-term and future-oriented corporate strategies. The print and packaging industry is considered a pioneer in the field of sustainable innovations. Dependent on the use of raw materials, the print and packaging industry already uses energy- and resource-saving manufacturing methods and thus makes a decisive contribution in terms of environmental and climate protection. drupa 2024 provides information on what is important in the sustainable production of print and packaging solutions and what trends are emerging for the print and packaging industry.

Read more from drupa on what sustainability, and sustainabile productiion in the print industry here.

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