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5 July 2024

BPIF Northern Ireland Golf Day 2024 - spanning the generations

BPIF Northern Ireland Golf Day 2024 - spanning the generations

The now 105 years old BPIF Northern Ireland golf society returned for a consecutive year to the wonderful Malone Golf Club, still looking beautiful despite the absence of last year's sunshine.

Of course, it never really rains on the golf course – and so golfers from local printing and packaging companies, and their supporting supply chain, made their way around the meandering river Lagan (no bubbles required) and the rolling hills, amidst the splendid greenery of South Belfast. With a player age range from 21 to 80 – this event really did span the generations.

On this occasion WestRock took the honours to get the BPIF Northern Ireland Golf Day, sponsored by Landa Digital Printing, underway and off the first tee.

As last year this scoring was very competitive – following the outright winner, it took several countbacks to get the final placings. The new winner this year in the Challenge Trophy, sponsored by Landa Digital Printing, was George Lynas (WestRock); just ahead of David Bell (GPS Colour Graphics) and Barry Browne (RW Pierce). As well as collecting the now 105 years old Challenge Trophy, George also received a bottle of Whiskey and glass from Hinch Distillery, presented by Steve Donegal at Landa.

Declan McGrady from MM Group was the victor of the Stanley Little Rose Bowl (Directors' Trophy), also sponsored by Landa Digital Printing. Steve presented Declan with the additional prize of a case of printers’ own Chateau de la Ligne.

The Iddon Sherlock Trophy, sponsored by BPIF, for the best placed two-person company team was won on this occasion by RW Pierce’s Barry Browne and Chris Baird.

Steven Young (WestRock) picked up the Nearest the Pin award, whilst Ryan Hanna (RW Pierce) had the longest drive, with a spectacular shot down the final fairway - both awards were sponsored by Alphagraphics.

The best guest competition, sponsored by BPIF, was won by Sonny Vance at Elliott Baxter. Finally, the awards for completing any hole in two shots went to Aaron Kelly (WestRock) Paul Muise (MAD Colour).

A big thanks must go to all our sponsors, Landa Digital Printing, Alphagraphics and MAD Colour - and to all the companies and individuals that got involved; we'd love to welcome you back next time.

Thanks also to Paddy, Stephen, and all the staff at Malone Golf Club for helping make this event run smoothly and be so enjoyable.

Click here to view some more photos from the day.

The full list of prize winners is:

Challenge Trophy - sponsored by Landa Digital Printing
1st: George Lynas - WestRock
2nd: David Bell – GPS Colour Graphics
3rd: Barry Browne – RW Pierce

Stanley Little Rose Bowl (Directors' Trophy) - sponsored by Landa Digital Printing
Declan McGrady – MM Group

Iddon Sherlock Trophy - sponsored by Alphagraphics
Winners: Barry Browne and Chris Baird – RW Pierce

Best Guest - sponsored by BPIF
Sonny Vance - Elliott Baxter & Company Ltd

Longest Drive - sponsored by Alphagraphics
Ryan Hanna – RW Pierce

Nearest the Pin - sponsored by Alphagraphics
Steven Young - WestRock

2s - sponsored by BPIF
Aaron Kelly – WestRock, Paul Muise - MAD Colour


We're working on securing a venue and date for next year. Any thoughts, comments, suggestions and offers for sponsorship would be greatly accepted.






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