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9 July 2024

Roberts Mart – Maintain Their HR Seal of Excellence!

Roberts Mart – Maintain Their HR Seal of Excellence!

Congratulations go to Roberts Mart on successfully renewing their BPIF HR Seal of Excellent, with a pass rate of 95%.

Caroline Digby, HR manager at Roberts Mart first achieved the HR Seal of Excellence in 2022.  Together with Annis Livock, they have worked hard to not only maintain but improve on their overall pass rate on this occasion, despite the newly upgraded standard introducing additional areas of assessment.

Caroline commented 'I am extremely pleased that we have retained our BPIF HR Seal of Excellence, it is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our team'.
Mandy Robson, Head of Professional Services at the BPIF has praised Roberts Mart for its ongoing commitment towards continually maintaining their performance, which provides a robust framework for their business and in supporting their employees.

Roberts Mart have always been fantastic supporters of the BPIF, working collaboratively over many years and are currently invested in supporting 19 learners through Apprenticeships and Management training.

The BPIF HR Seal of Excellence was recently upgraded, to raise the bar even higher when it comes to assessing excellence in people management, and it also provides flexibility for us when assessing our members' framework.

Ben Roberts, Marketing Director
Annis Livock - Senior HR Advisor
Caroline Digby - HR Manager
Darren Shepherd - BPIF Membership
Jo Haigh - BPIF HR Business Partner

If any members would like to find out more about the BPIF Seal of Excellence, please get in touch. 


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For more information please contact:
Mandy Robson
Mandy Robson
07957 564 979
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