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29 July 2024



There has never been a better time to meet your MP, with a shaken-up Parliament (including 335 brand new MPs) and a Labour Government for the first time in 14 years. 

With change on the horizon, including across employment law and skills, it’s essential our elected representatives are made aware of both the value of, and the challenges facing, the UK print industry. Face-to-face engagement with MPs at the local level is not only the best way to ask for help, showcase the industry and generate a little publicity, it’s central to building a long-term relationship too.  

Parliament goes into a recess a little late this year, due to the election, so it will ‘break up’ on 30 July and return on 12 September. That still allows six weeks for MPs to get out and about in their constituencies – and visiting local businesses will be a big part of how they spend their ‘holidays’.  

You may already have an MP visit in motion following the Annual Print Reception at Members’ Day. If not, and you’d like to reach out to your MP, contact the Federation’s Public Affairs Adviser Carys Davis for support on how to do so. Time is of the essence, as MPs’ diaries get booked up quickly, so get in touch as soon as you can.  

You might also want to check out our special ‘Meet Your MP’ guide for our members, which talks you through the process and how to get the most out of the visit.  

You can read some of our recent stories about MP visits to members too:

Contact Carys on [email protected]



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