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5 August 2024



Between 21st May and 14th June, 1,331 employees from across 10 countries took part in the challenge, organised by Antalis HQ, to walk as many steps as possible. The aim of the walking challenge was to improve physical and mental health, strengthen team spirit and raise funds for good causes.

The region to walk the most steps was Central and South-Eastern Europe (CSEE), whose 247 participants walked more than 49 million steps, equating to almost 37,500 kilometres. The team of 188 participants representing the UK and Ireland took a respectable fifth place in the league table, walking more than 33 million steps (25,300 kilometres). 

Each country chose a charity to support, with the winning region CSEE raising €5000 for RO Paralympics Team charity. Locally, Prostate Cancer UK was the chosen charity for the United Kingdom, with £846 raised, and Irish Antalis colleagues chose Alzheimers, for which they raised 500€.  

HR Director UK and Ireland at Antalis, Tim Longley, comments: “With the Olympic Games in Paris this summer, it seemed an ideal time for colleagues across Antalis to get walking, get healthy and raise money for good causes. It also provided a bit of fun and healthy competition with our colleagues around the globe.”

For more information about Antalis, please visit

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