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20 May 2015

Find out how BPIF Legal can work for you

Find out how BPIF Legal can work for you

In January of this year, the BPIF became the first Trade Association to own a law firm with the launch of BPIF Legal Ltd; your guide through the maze of business law.

What is BPIF Legal?

  • A law firm owned by the BPIF and staffed by lawyers who work exclusively for BPIF members
  • Expert legal advice from print specific lawyers
  • Costs discussed and fixed at the beginning of any matter

Your Questions Answered

I don't like ringing a lawyer because I know that every time I pick up the phone the clock starts ticking and legal fees start mounting
Not with us. BPIF Legal operates solely on fixed fees. The work you want us to do will be discussed with you at the outset and a fee will be quoted. Other than disbursements and other party legal costs, we guarantee that will be the amount you are charged. Regardless of how many phone calls of emails you make!

I don't have time to explain my business to a lawyer and read long legal essays which don't answer my questions properly
BPIF Legal only does work for BPIF Members. Its lawyers have worked for the BPIF for up to 13 years and are very familiar with the industry. They understand the need for commercial advice that is geared towards your business

I don't need a lawyer
We are part of your Trade Association. We exist to assist you in maximising your businesses potential. Our expertise is not only in dealing with problems once they have arisen, but to spot and avert potential difficulties in advance. We are consultants as well as fire fighters and the closer we are to your business, the more we can help.

Get in touch today and see how BPIF Legal can help you

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For more information please contact:
Anne Copley
Anne Copley
01676 526 061
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