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29 January 2016

Stephen Gilbert, The Printing Charity's Chief Executive steps down

Stephen Gilbert, The Printing Charity's Chief Executive steps down

After 12 years Stephen Gilbert, the Charity’s Chief Executive and Secretary, is taking early retirement. The Trustees would like to thank him for his drive and vision that have transformed a little-known organisation into a vibrant, national charity. 

During his time as Chief Executive, he developed a new strategic direction for the Charity, which saw the Charity relaunched in 2010 as The Printing Charity and the granting of a second Supplemental Royal Charter in 2014. The latter is a lasting memorial to his work as it enables the Charity to respond to changes in the print industry and help more people in new ways.  

Under his leadership, the Charity has formed partnerships with other charities, organisations, and trade associations to help more people of all ages. He has also been instrumental in initiatives, such as the annual Print Futures Awards, to help train the new generation entering the UK printing, publishing, packaging, and graphic arts sectors.   

When he joined in 2003, the number of people the Charity was helping was dwindling. By 2015, the year the Charity celebrated the 150th anniversary of the granting of its first Royal Charter, the Charity helped over 1,000 people, exceeding its 2015 target. 

Stephen Gilbert said: “I’m grateful to the Trustees for the opportunity to retire a year early. I have enjoyed the 12 years I spent with the Charity and I’m delighted to be able to leave on a high in a year where we have almost doubled the number of people helped in 2014. Of course I will miss all the people I have worked with and who have made this achievement possible. I feel now is the right time to pass the Charity on to the next generation to cherish and protect and deliver the vital work that it provides.

“I would like to say thank you to the team I worked with who have helped me make this happen. I’m so proud of them and everything that they have done and we have achieved together.

“I’m looking forward to an easier pace of life although I intend to remain in the charity sector carrying out part-time and project work. To all the many friends I have made down the 12 years, thank you for your friendship and support. I hope that we will be able to stay in touch.”

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