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24 April 2014

ACAS calling...

ACAS calling...

It is vital that members are aware of important changes now in force regarding how individuals commence Employment Tribunal claims. Professional advice will be essential before making any decisions about engaging with the new process.

From 6th April, employees and ex-employees have to enter an "early conciliation phase" prior to lodging a claim with the Tribunal. They do this by contacting ACAS who will then contact the employer to see if the matter can be settled without the need for any legal proceedings. This phase can last up to 6 weeks and if it fails the employee can go ahead and lodge his claim. 

Thus the first employers will hear about a claim is when they are contacted by ACAS. Anne Copley, Head of Legal says: "It is very important that members don't make any split-second decisions at this stage. Failure to act could mean you are missing a golden opportunity to avoid long-drawn-out legal proceedings. Equally, you might find yourself rushed into making offers of settlement when you don't need to. Qualifying members can avail themselves of a free assessment of their position by our solicitors, who can then act on their behalf should engagement with ACAS be advised".

As always, BPIF is there to protect and advise. Make us your first port of call!

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