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17 March 2016

Museum of Brands hosts South Eastern Board Meeting

Museum of Brands hosts South Eastern Board Meeting

The March 2016 board meeting was held at the Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising in London W11QT. 

Boards members - Romax, F E Burman, Hobbs the Printers, Liberty Services, P J Print, J Salmon, Clicks and Headley Brothers met with Bob Davies, Dale Wallis, Mandy Robson and Steve Lee from the BPIF. Agenda items included, BPIF national and regional updates, Government and Industries update and an overview of H&S in the sector. Members discussion period debated the state of the trade, National Living Wage, Apprentice Levy, Fuel surcharges, auto pension enrolment and the recent Graham report's recommendations on pre-pack sale.

The group was joined by Nigel Bagbee of Lambert Smith Hampton who discussed their services in the printing industry around asset finance, plant and machinery valuation. Doctor Mark Johnson from The Printers Charity then gave an overview of the history and position of the charity in our sector. He focused on their and BPIF involvement in the PRINT FUTURES AWARDS. There could be 50 this year, are open to people aged 16 -30, to fund any costs associated with a relevant training course for a career in printing, publishing and graphic arts in the uk. Cash grants are awarded up to £1,500. To apply and for any other information -

Following the meeting the group toured the 10,000 exhibits in the museum.

Contact me for any information relating to the meeting.


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Bob Davies
Bob Davies
020 7915 8400 or 07753 692701
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