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10 May 2016

Final call for entries to the 2016 Print Futures Awards

Final call for entries to the 2016 Print Futures Awards

Grants of up to £1,500 are available to help pay for costs associated with training courses for a career in printing, publishing, packaging and graphic art.

A reminder from the sponsors of the annual Print Futures Awards - The Printing Charity, the British Printing Industries Federation (BPIF), Unite the Union GPM & IT Sector, SAXOPRINT, John Crosfield Foundation, St Bride Foundation, The Book Trade Charity, and the Journalists’ Charity – that the closing date for applications is 27 May 2016.

These annual awards are open to people resident in the UK aged 16 to 30 years who:

intend or are studying for a career in printing, publishing, packaging or graphic arts in the UK

are already working in those sectors in the UK and would like to undertake courses or training sessions to develop their workplace skills

are apprentices or studying for NVQs in print-related organisations and need help with travel and living expenses while working and studying


Further information and application forms are at and completed entries should be sent to [email protected] by 27 May 2016.

Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed in London on 13 and 14 June and the Awards will be presented on 19 July at a special event in London. 

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