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18 August 2016

The Rt. Hon the Lord Blunkett to speak at The Printing Charity’s Annual Luncheon

The Rt. Hon the Lord Blunkett to speak at The Printing Charity’s Annual Luncheon

The Rt. Hon the Lord Blunkett is this year’s guest speaker at The Printing Charity’s’ 189th Annual Luncheon on Thursday, 3 November 2016, at Stationers’ Hall, Ave Maria Lane, London.

Lord Blunkett says: “As The Printing Charity’s President for 2016, I attended the Print Futures Awards in July and am looking forward to the Annual Luncheon, which is a great networking event for people working in printing, publishing and packaging.”

He was awarded a peerage in 2015, taking the title of Lord Blunkett of Brightside and Hillsborough in the City of Sheffield. As well as supporting a wide range of charitable endeavours as trustee, Vice President and patron, he is a popular speaker, author and media contributor.

He was Member of Parliament for Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough from 1987 to 2015, and a member of Tony Blair’s Cabinet for eight years from 1997. He served as Secretary of State responsible for the Home Office and Education and Employment, and as Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.  

Educated at evening class and on day release from work, he entered the University of Sheffield as a mature student, graduating in 1972. In 2015 he took up a post as Professor of Politics in Practice at the University of Sheffield Department of Politics and became Chair of the Board of the University of Law, formerly the College of Law, in London.

A board member of the National Citizens Service Trust, Lord Blunkett has a long-standing interest in citizenship education and young people’s well-being. 

Tickets for the Annual Luncheon cost £95 per person. To order tickets, email [email protected] or book directly through Eventbrite

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