13 April 2017
Welcome your new Regional Director
Darren Shepherd is your new Regional Director for the Northern region.
"I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself to you, as from April 2017 I have taken over the Regional Director role for the Northern region of the BPIF.
I started in the industry as a litho printer way-back in 1984 and have seen at 1st hand the massive developments and changes that the industry has undergone in the last 33 years.
My experience with the BPIF was initially as a member, I then later sat on the North East Regional Board, and represented BPIF at a number of conferences across Europe. I joined the BPIF 2 ½ years ago and have been working with new and existing members across the region during this period.
There is no doubt that change will continue to be the norm in our industry, but membership of the BPIF ensures that Print has a voice and your needs and views will be represented.
I will be adding to the membership team in the region and will send separate communications out once this is concluded.
In the meantime if I can be of any help please do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected] or 07714 134655."
What would be your dream bit of kit?
A device that can transport me to my daily visits whilst avoiding the traffic.
Who or what do you hate the most?
People who hog the middle lane.
What is your favourite album?
I am very old – so currently Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan.
What is your greatest luxury in life?
My iPhone to play lots of Bob Dylan whilst I am sat in traffic.
What is your favourite TV show?
Still Top Gear, or a good adventure programme – The Island / Mutiny etc.
Tell me something that will surprise me?
I can barefoot water ski - backwards!
Tell me something else that will surprise me?
I was in a band called “Suzie Creamcheese and the Polaroid Strip – we recorded 3 songs – and yes I do have them on my IPhone.
Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?
Keith Moon – it should stop things getting boring.
What’s your greatest fear?
Heights and depths!
Who or what makes you laugh?
Old school comedy - Laurel & Hardy, Norman Wisdom.
What is on your bucket list?
A variety of things – write a poem, record a song, build a stone arch (harps back to a training programme many years ago).
What advice would you give to your teenage self?
Don’t sell the classic Sunbeam Tiger for £2500, it will be worth 20 times that in years to come.
Life is…?
Now – there is no pause or re-wind.
4 December 2024
Intergraf is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2025 Young Talent Award, an initiative designed to inspire and shape the future of the print industry. This year, the Award invites young talent to explore how print companies can effectively attract and engage younger generations to pursue careers in the print industry.
Intergraf Economic News (Paper Prices) - December 2024
5 December 2024
Access the latest edition of the Economic Newsletter for the European Printing Industry for data on paper consumption, and pricing data for pulp, paper, and recovered paper.