3 May 2017
Big changes at BPIF Legal
The BPIF is saying a fond farewell to its inspiring and hard-working Head of Legal Anne Copley, who is retiring at the end of May this year.
Many members will know Anne, and will have had the benefit of her wisdom over the years. Known for her straight-forward and no-nonsense approach, Anne has dealt with countless Employment Tribunal claims on behalf of members up and down the country, and has provided support and advice to both members and the BPIF's HR Team.
Anne has been the driving force behind the development of BPIF Legal Limited, and has achieved the authorisation of the Solicitors Regulation Authority so that the BPIF is the only Trade Association to have its own law firm which exists for the benefit of members.
Charles Jarrold, CEO says, "Anne has been an integral part of the BPIF family for many years, and will be sorely missed. I've particularly valued her ability to explain to us and to members, how to get from A to B when dealing with tricky issues, using her extensive knowledge and experience to develop practical solutions to challenges. That, and her energy, enthusiasm and sense of humour will be missed - I wish her a very happy retirement."
Anne comments, "I have enjoyed working with all of my colleagues at the BPIF and of course with all of the members. Coming from a notoriously "risk-averse" profession, I have been continually amazed and impressed by our members' business leaders' ability to take tough decisions every day which impact both on their own bottom line and that of all their employees. I only hope some of that courage has rubbed off on me as I head off into other projects. Some of you will know of my intention to write a book based on historical research arising from my acquiring a house in Italy. Hopefully I won't be stuck for advice on printing and publishing when the time comes!"
Nicola Langley will be stepping up to take on the role of Head of Legal and a further experienced Employment Law specialist is being recruited to take on the Employment Tribunal and advice role.
Nicola has been with the BPIF for over ten years, and has been instrumental in developing the Commercial Legal Services offered by BPIF Legal. Nicola is well known for her pragmatic and commercial approach and her attention to detail, whilst remaining approachable and keeping her sense of humour.
Nicola says, "We are all going to miss Anne, but due to her commitment to getting BPIF Legal Limited up and running, we have all of the systems and structures in place to continue to provide professional legal services to the members. I am looking forward to taking the helm and have plans to continue to grow BPIF Legal Limited and add to the range of legal services that we provide both as part of membership and as additional services."
Charles Jarrold commented, "After an exacting recruitment process I am delighted that Nicola has agreed to take on this role and lead BPIF Legal as we continue to develop this important support service for members".
Sexual Harassment – 'Preventative Duty’
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The Worker Protection Act 2023 (Amendment of the Equality Act 2010), is UK legislation designed to enhance protections against workplace sexual harassment.
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Intergraf is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2025 Young Talent Award, an initiative designed to inspire and shape the future of the print industry. This year, the Award invites young talent to explore how print companies can effectively attract and engage younger generations to pursue careers in the print industry.