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14 August 2017

The Printing Charity becomes a funding partner of the Journalism Diversity Fund

The Printing Charity becomes a funding partner of the Journalism Diversity Fund

The Printing Charity has become one of the funding partners of the Journalism Diversity Fund administered by the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ).

The fund provides bursaries for people from socially or ethnically diverse backgrounds, who otherwise would not have the financial means to fund their journalism training. Supported by the industry, it also works to help make newsrooms better reflect the communities they serve.

Since its launch in 2005, the Journalism Diversity Fund has awarded 238 bursaries, totalling £1,474,887. On average, 23 students on NCTJ-accredited training courses receive funding each year. Applicants need to demonstrate a genuine commitment to journalism and the potential to succeed.

Neil Lovell, The Printing Charity's Chief Executive and a frequent member of the fund's interviewing panels, says: "Our involvement with the fund reinforces the charity's long-term commitment to diversity and inclusion as part of our national welfare and education work helping beneficiaries across the UK. It also connects into our own Print Futures Awards, providing funding for training to help new talent enter or progress within the UK industry."

Joanne Butcher, Chief Executive of the National Council for the Training of Journalists, says: "We are delighted to be working with The Printing Charity to build the capacity of the Journalism Diversity Fund to help even more people from all walks of life become journalists. Partnerships with respected, prestigious and like-minded organisations to tackle issues of mutual interest mean we can all be much more effective than working on our own."

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