24 January 2018

Put safety first with a BPIF H&S Healthcheck
Printers look to aspire to improve their operational procedures and to ensure the safety of their employees. To do this it's important to regularly review all aspects of both safety legislation and best practice throughout company processes, and it's beneficial to do this via a competent independent body using a fresh pair of eyes.
The BPIF H&S Healthcheck hits the spot - it's simple, quick and best of all its FREE for Platinum members! Let's not forget Gold and Silver members who can also benefit from this service at a small cost.
Why not book in your visit now!
Your Regional Adviser will initially carry out a site tour to understand any shortfalls that may be occurring. These will be highlighted at the time of the tour to encourage discussion and to review potential solutions. Following this, a specific Q&A session will take place, surrounding legislation and best practice, such as; Management and Arrangements; Control of Machinery & Equipment hazards; Transport and Traffic Routes; Fire Safety; COSHH; Slips and Trips.
Once the H&S Healthcheck is complete, you will be provided with a full report and improvement plan detailing actions where gaps have been identified. You will have the full support of your Safety Adviser, whether this be remotely or more hands-on if you don't have the time or experience within your team on site, the choice is yours.
This will provide comfort in knowing all safety aspects are in hand, and can support with any planned tender submissions. Working with the improvement plan will also help to prevent accidents and incidents on site and will demonstrate the organisation is managing workplace risks.
The BPIF Safety Advisers often see areas where printers fail to maintain safety and in brief a few of these are;
- Fire Risk Assessments which require an annual review, unless any changes occur on site i.e. build of new rooms, additional space to enhance the business, movement of machinery etc.
- Missing signage relating to Fire, First Aid and Safety information which is often taken down when changes happen on site, or when decorating occurs. It's important to review fire safety, first aid kits and eye wash when the area is back up and running.
- A robust Safety Policy, which is an amalgamation of many segments; the written safety statement laying out your company objectives relating to health & safety; responsibilities within the organisation; and also the arrangements for introducing the policy within the business. Many printers hold a simple general statement of intent, but this is not sufficient in meeting legal requirements.
- Capturing uncontrolled hazards and incidents within the business, which will ensure effective risk management is in place - this is often overlooked. This information will enable trends to be identified to allow improvements within the operation, before an injury occurs.
- Robust Risk Assessments should cover all aspects of machinery and activities to ensure suitable controls are in place to prevent injury which must include; sufficient guarding and emergency stop buttons, controlled electricity, safe systems of work for all risk procedures, identification of operational procedure hazards, and ensure controls are in place to protect the operatives, visitors, contractors etc.
- Control of ladders on site to ensure they're locked away to prevent use by any employees who have not been trained in their use; they must be inspected six-monthly & documented. It's important to document the hazards of working at height and ensure suitable controls are in place.
- Competence of contractors where utilised on site, a sufficient pre-qualification should be made of the company, obtaining suitable risk assessments and method statements for the activities undertaken. These must be monitored to ensure the contractor adheres to their documented procedures at all times.
- Ongoing communication within the company is critical! Capturing and communicating hazards from the front-line to communicate upwards to management; with management reviewing the risks on the company to ensure appropriate controls are in place to ensure safety at all times.
Book your Safety Healthcheck now click here.
Need more H&S advice? Click here for more on Docs & Guidance, H&S posters or Toolbox Talks.
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