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20 June 2018

Specialist Services industry trends

Specialist Services industry trends

BPIF Specialist Services provides expert industry specific advice to help develop and grow a sustainable and profitable business. Whatever your size or budget we can offer a practical value-adding solution.

We have noticed certain services have been trending in the industry. Find out how and why they have been trending below:

This new legislation came into play in May 2018 and it has been ‘data based panic' over the past few months. The BPIF has been offering support services to help company's become compliant through regional/on-site workshops, bespoke support and a Gap Analysis.

"The BPIF GDPR Gap Analysis program was very useful in highlighting to us the enormity of the task at hand. It has provided us with the realisation that to become compliant with this far reaching regulation, it was something we would require professional help with. The Gap Analysis outcome provided a great reference guide and toolkit to ensure all areas of our business were challenged in preparation to climb the regulation mountain." Jake Whitford, Operations Director, Pepper Communications Ltd

"I attended one of the BPIF GDPR Workshops and found the day incredibly informative and very useful in providing me with an insight into GDPR. I have recommended it to several of my associate's with their own small businesses to attend as non-members." Fiona Thorne, Operations Manager, VPress

Find out how we can help:


ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
ISO 9001:2015 is an internationally recognised Quality Management System (QMS). Attaining this standard for your company will help your managers monitor and improve performance and efficiency. The result: increased sales, reduced spoilage and higher profits.

ISO 14001:2015 helps users become more aware of the business environment in which they are working and so build resilience.

Members have been transitioning from the previous standards because they need to transition by September 2018 or risk their current certification being invalid.

Find out how we can help:
ISO 9001:
ISO 14001:

Since the launch of the Colour Quality Management Scheme in January 2018 there has been a lot of interest. We have provide advice and support for members who are simply seeking to improve their colour management performance or to conform to internationally recognised colour management and workflow process standards.

Services provided:
BPIF Colour Quality Management Certification Scheme
BPIF Colour Quality Management Certification Scheme Gap Analysis
Colour Management Support
ISO 12647 Support

"For Pinstripe, delivering perfect colour, consistency, efficiency and meaningful margin improvement are key. We identified that the Colour Management Scheme could do this for us by eliminating and minimizing the variables in the print process.

It does it through the implementation of the scheme, as it looks at each element of your print process, which, is complex and technical in nature.

Many printers say they print to perfect colour using the human eye. Experience shows this is impossible without measuring and calibration so that what you print is spectrometrically defined to the ISO 12647 Standard. The BPIF Specialist Services Adviser took us through this process. We could not have done this on our own. The complexity of the implementation meant expert guidance was needed to steer us through and finally gain certification.

The impact and benefits are well worth having. The improvements have delivered major consistency and efficiency improvements. The real jewel however, is margin improvement, which is significant." Nigel Lyon, Managing Director, Pinstripe Print Group

Find out how we can help:


Health & Safety Management Scheme
The H&S Management Scheme helps a company become or maintain compliance. The scheme includes preparation of policies and procedures, conducting risk assessments, providing training and an adviser who will join the company's team as an interim manager for H&S for the duration of the project.

"Following an H&S Healthcheck, a plan was devised to implement a programme. With the adviser's knowledge and understanding of the print trade, he offered practical, succinct advice and then delivered it companywide. The adviser was approachable and always attempted to cajole our staff along the road in an agreed manner rather than a threatening way with an excellent manner and sense of humour." Andrew Galloway, Managing Director, Galloways Printers Ltd

Find out how we can help:


Occupational Health Management Referral
This service is usually conducted if an employee has been signed off by a GP but wishes to return to work or a staff member has recurring health issues. A specialist will contact the employee to produce a detailed report of what should happen next. The report will be agreed by the employee and can form the basis of future action.

Laura Turner, Director, Noted In Style - Occupational Health Management Referral Feedback

Find out how we can help:

For more information on BPIF Specialist Services contact us on 01924 203335 or [email protected]


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For more information please contact:
Meeka Walwyn-Lewis
Meeka Walwyn-Lewis
01924 203335
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