Environmental and sustainability requirements are at the forefront of the focus for the industry; the Environmental Road Map is here to help you to start on the path, continue to develop or review your environmental requirements. The content is intended to help you continually grow your knowledge and performance and can be used by any company no matter where they are in their journey.
The journey starts with doing a Baseline Self-assessment which is to take a critical review of your organisation to evaluate what environmental requirements you have in place and what needs to be considered, highlighting the areas you would need to focus on.
The Resource Area which is intended to help you find where you are on the route to saving costs by reducing wastes, protecting yourself from legal and climate risks, understanding and responding to customer demands as they become more environmentally aware and concerned, being able to look ahead to any new requirements on the horizon, and achieving better environmental and sustainability performance. The road map delivers content that provides insight, best practice, case studies and guidance, along with links to external information and resources.
As environmental requirements are changing and updating the road map will be a proactive platform that feature the latest information.
BPIF Platinum and Gold members automatically have access to the Environmental Road Map Baseline Assessment and Resource Area Silver members have access to the Environmental Baseline Assessment and Report but will need to request access to the resource area by emailing [email protected]. If you are not yet a member of the BPIF, but would like to gain access to the road map do not hesitate to email us on [email protected] as we are here to provide the industry with support.
- Resource Library We have a wealth of online templates you can use. From incident report forms to checklists and guidance, as a member you are entitled to use these all for your business.
- Our Advisers are industry experts Our Advisers understand your business and how to ensure you meet key environment issues.
- Environmental Healthcheck We can tell you how your business is performing and how it compares with current UK environmental legislation with a BPIF Healthcheck.
- Climate Change Levy Scheme Claim discounts from Government levies on energy bills in return for commitments to improve energy effiency.
- Stamp your business with a BPIF Environmental Seal of Excellence Once you have assessed where your company is at we can help you achieve and be recognised for excellence.
- Carbon Footprinting Calculator The industry’s first online, print specific, European-wide carbon calculator. Only available in the UK to BPIF members.
- Environmental Forum The Environmental Forum is a BPIF community that looks provide an industry wide network and platform to work to support, sustain and develop the industry.