Energy Management

Sustainably Speaking Podcast by Sustainable Energy First
The Sustainably Speaking podcast will be discussing ESG and sustainably topics, whilst also empowering you to raise your businesses climate ambitions by putting complex energy policies in simple terms.
Bill validation – Have you been over-charged?
Reviewing, and more importantly, understanding your energy bills is a significant challenge for businesses with limited resources. However, with electricity bills in particular continuing to increase and with the introduction of more and more so called “Pass Through” charges, bills have become increasingly complex, including Use of System charges, Renewable Levies, Climate Change Levy, line loss factors, Metering Charges and Authorised Capacity. To add further complexity, some of these charges may depend on the time of day or even the time of year that the energy was used.
Reduced energy intensity and maintaining competitive advantage
Whilst a move to smarter and more flexible energy procurement offers significant savings for many manufacturers, this only addresses the unit rate of energy. The cost of energy is a function of that unit rate multiplied by consumption and it is consumption that drives the environmental sustainability agenda and is the element of the cost equation that you have greatest control over.
Winter 2019 energy outlook
As we approach the winter months, it's inevitable that questions arise concerning the UK's ability to ensure sufficient supply as energy demand increases.
2019/20 Triad season begins
Triads are the method used by National Grid to set the amount energy consumers will pay for their TNUoS (Transmission Network Use of System) charges for the coming year, applicable to all businesses that use half-hourly meters.