“Having known about Expense Reduction Analysts from previous experience, I was slightly dubious about entering into a relationship. However, I was encouraged to understand more about the potential benefits they offered to our organisation and decided to request a full review of our waste & recycling activities. This is one of many cost areas that their expertise incorporates.
Once we outlined the terms of reference, I felt we were in full control of the whole review process and we were kept informed throughout. ERA’s clear understanding of our situation and needs led to a range of solutions being recommended, all of which offered benefits. The freedom to choose from these options is important, and we were pleased to take advantage of savings available, whilst the project also delivered additional benefits. As an example, we were relieved to be advised on our legal responsibilities of waste disposal. The contract with ERA is for two years with fees being drawn from savings achieved. Savings beyond this term will be entirely ours.
Overall I have been very impressed - so would have no hesitation in recommending ERA.”
Andrew Galloway, Galloways Printers Limited
10 December 2019
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