Our dedicated team are always on hand to help you get the most from the BPIF. Get in touch with your Regional Relationship Manager today!

- Professional Services Our practical, comprehensive services range from instant online resources to one-to-one expert advice, giving you confidence when it comes to specialist topics.
- Communities The industry is broad and diverse, with businesses operating in specialist markets or have a specialist focus you have already identified where your business excels and where there is potential for continued growth, spanning a huge range of capabilities.
- Lobbying We monitor the political agenda on your behalf and identify threats and challenges to the industry. Our work has secured funding and legislative change worth millions to the industry.
- Research BPIF Research is the BPIF's internal research unit. It undertakes a considerable amount of primary and secondary research relating to the printing industry.
- Membership Benefits The BPIF is always trying to find new benefits for our members
- Specialist Services
- Tools Click here to see how our tools can benefit your business
- Member Downloads Download your BPIF membership logo to use on your website or in tender documents, search for that supplier you need or just catch up with what we've done in our Annual Reviews.
- Media Stay up to date. We provide members with the latest news, reports and opinions from our industry experts through a variety of channels.
- Recruitment A cost effective method of advertising your vacancies whilst promoting the many career paths available within the industry.