Originally based on the Toyota Production System, ‘lean' manufacturing provides a radically different way of running manufacturing processes, equally applicable to aerospace engineering or print production. Put simply, lean focuses on the removal of all waste, so that products are manufactured at a rate determined by the customer, with minimal inventory.
Lean brings together concepts such as total quality management (TQM), just in time (JIT), supplier integration, automation, team working, total preventive maintenance (TPM), delivery frequency, selling techniques and agile manufacturing. We use a five-step process to help printers adopt the principles of lean to deliver higher productivity, performance and profit.
Our engineers will help you to:- Establish what creates value from the customer's perspective
- Identify all steps which have an impact on that value across the whole value stream
- Arrange all the steps which truly create value so they occur in logical sequence to optimise efficiency
- Only produce what is required by the customer
- Strive for perfection by continually removing successive layers of waste
- Reduced human effort
- Better use of capital investment
- Improved use of time
- Lower raw materials requirements
- Efficient use of space

- Productivity Healthcheck Printers are under increasing pressure to deliver higher quality products at competitive prices, whilst reducing time to market
- Profit Improvement Planning (PIP) The Profit Improvement Planning Service aims to identify operational measures that can be improved to increase productivity and in turn, business profits.
- Operations Assessment The Operations Assessment is a straightforward tool which identifies what you need to do to achieve excellence.
- Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Ever increasing pressure on deadlines means that there is never a good time for a breakdown on any of your key equipment and yet essential maintenance is often squeezed by production pressures.
- 5C/5S Workplace Organisation Implementation of 5C/5S workplace organisation techniques into your business can improve safety, productivity and customer perception.
- Admin & Workflow (Process) Streamlining Management Information System (MIS) installations and the arrival of Job Definition Formats necessitate changes, but few companies have the opportunity, skills or confidence to stand back and identify how things should operate.
- Press Productivity Improvement Using the experience of BPIF Process Improvement Engineers and tools designed specifically for the printing industry, this programme will bring your business measurable improvements in terms of quality, cost and delivery.
- Modular Improvement Programme Our Modular Improvement Programme is tailor-made for all UK printers that employ 25 members of staff or fewer, who are keen to raise productivity and streamline workflows.
- Bespoke Continuous Improvement Programmes Bespoke programmes are specifically tailored to meet your Continuous Improvement Strategy.
- Materials Waste Reduction This programme identifies and tackles the biggest and most easily remedied causes of waste through introducing simple measures to recognise and track waste reduction.
- Best Practice Publications Benchmarking your business against others is one of the most effective ways of understanding the potential for improved productivity, performance and profit.
- Why you need Process Improvement? BPIF Process Improvement provides an industry-specific and cost-effective service to help printers and packaging manufacturers to proactively improve their own productivity and competitiveness.