Our Advisers understand your business and how to ensure you meet key environment issues.

- Environmental Road Map The Environmental Road Map is here to help you to start on the path, continue to develop or review your environmental requirements.
- Resource Library We have a wealth of online templates you can use. From incident report forms to checklists and guidance, as a member you are entitled to use these all for your business.
- Environmental Healthcheck We can tell you how your business is performing and how it compares with current UK environmental legislation with a BPIF Healthcheck.
- Climate Change Levy Scheme Claim discounts from Government levies on energy bills in return for commitments to improve energy effiency.
- Stamp your business with a BPIF Environmental Seal of Excellence Once you have assessed where your company is at we can help you achieve and be recognised for excellence.
- Carbon Footprinting Calculator The industry’s first online, print specific, European-wide carbon calculator. Only available in the UK to BPIF members.
- Environmental Forum The Environmental Forum is a BPIF community that looks provide an industry wide network and platform to work to support, sustain and develop the industry.