Plastic Packaging Tax

Plastic Packaging Tax in 2021
Plastic Packaging Tax in 2021

This year the BPIF has been lobbying Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) which comes into force from 1 April 2022. 

The BPIF has worked to source best practice, solutions and support to help companies move forward and understand the upcoming legislation. Especially on how this this legislation will affect parts of the industry – causing an impact on a business’s operations, financials and administrative processes through providing updates from HMRC and delivering roundtables where members can discuss their concerns and get their questions answered. 

The BPIF has also been lobbying the new legislation by actively engaging in discussions with HMRC and responding to the consultations. Even though we are still awaiting further clarification from HMRC, understanding and having an awareness of PPT is key to understanding the future of the industry and ensuring that your business can be proactive when it comes to the legislation.

Please find highlights of our PPT activity below:

BPIF Consultation Responses

Technical Consultation on Plastic Packaging Tax General Regulations December 2021

Letter to Jim Harra Chief Executive of HMRC re Plastic Packaging Tax November 2021

BPIF Labels – August 2021

BPIF Cartons – August 2021

BPIF Environmental Forum – PPT Roundtable

PPT Roundtable – November 2021


Print Network Series 2021 – Plastic Packaging Tax and EPR – July 2021

HMRC Updates 

November 2021

October 2021

September 2021  

August 2021

August 2021

July 2021

17 December 2021

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