Safety Communications
H&S Posters

Safe Spillage Clearance on site

Spillages are to be cleared responsibly and following a safe system of work to ensure no risk to employees - look after your colleagues and ensure no accidents occur.  

Safe Spillage Clearance on site

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Safe Spillage Clearance on site Safe Spillage Clearance on site
Spillages are to be cleared responsibly and following a safe system of work to ensure no risk to employees - look after your colleagues and ensure no accidents occur.
Preventing injury due to falling items Preventing injury due to falling items
Ensure all items are stored safely on racking and/or in cupboards to prevent any items falling on employees and causing injury.
Safety of employee bench work and Upper Limb Disorder Safety of employee bench work and Upper Limb Disorder
Carry out appropriate risk assessments to prevent the risk of Upper Limb Disorder, especially when setting up a team and new workstation.
Manual Handling Safety Manual Handling Safety
Be aware of manual handling instructions when carrying boxes, paper or anything which may be awkward or heavy - remain safe at all times and remember your training and safety techniques.
Spillage Clean-up Procedures Spillage Clean-up Procedures
If a spillage occurs, ensure spillage clean-up procedures are adhered to which will ensure the site remains safe and hazard free, preventing fires, slips, trips and falls.
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