Specialist Services
Occupational Health

Are you taking a chance on your staff’s health? Our Advisers can assess your health and safety needs and suggest required action.

Are you taking a gamble on your staff's health?

Did you know that a failure to meet health and safety regulations in the workplace comes with the risk of unlimited fines and 6 months imprisonment if found guilty in a Magistrates Court? Should the case be serious enough to go to Crown Court, conviction could lead to you receiving an unlimited fine or maximum 2 years prison sentence, and that's before any personal compensation claim is made.

Regardless of legislation, promoting and maintaining good health policies and practices in your workplace can set you apart from your competition as it helps recruit and retain the best staff, reduce sickness levels and improve productivity - and more importantly - profitability.

To help members, a range of Occupational Health services are available exclusively from BPIF Specialist Services and can be delivered at your premises or in fully equipped mobile screening units, as well as free advice.

Services Include 
  • Site Health Needs Assessment
  • Employee Wellness Scheme
  • Drug & Alcohol Screening
  • Health Surveillance
  • Health Screening
  • Medical Assessment Reporting & Sickness Absence Management
For more information please contact:
Meeka Walwyn-Lewis
Meeka Walwyn-Lewis
Head of Marketing and Operations

01924 203335

You might also be interested in:
  • HR Specialist Services The BPIF has qualified and experienced HR professionals dedicated to providing an HR service based on UK employment law requirements to the printing industry.
  • HR Training The BPIF hold many regional HR events and seminars to provide you with the best-in-class support and updates on recent and forthcoming changes to legislation.
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