Why use BPIF Training
Expert Trainers

Our trainers have a combined total of over 200 years' experience in print.

Everyone says it, but in our case it's true: our team is the secret to our success. Each of our employees is amazing in their own right, but together we thrive on challenging each other to be proactive, make decisions, take responsibility and try new things.

Please click here to meet the BPIF Training team! 

Karly Lattimore
Karly Lattimore
Managing Director of Training

07384 214536
Max Walkington
Max Walkington
Head of Data and Compliance

Rebecca Gurley
Rebecca Gurley
Head of Quality and Performance

Cathy Hughes
Cathy Hughes
Senior Compliance Officer

01676 526 060
Ceri Cresswell
Ceri Cresswell
Special Projects and Compliance Officer

07753 692 701

Cantrell Koussi
Cantrell Koussi
Apprentice Business Administrator

Lucy Kirkbride
Lucy Kirkbride
Compliance Officer

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  • The Highest Standards Attract high quality entrants & benefit from experienced and highly trained employees
  • Understanding the Funding We can help you access funding to enable you to train your employees.
  • Clear Policies Our supportive culture encourages learners to be the best they can be. Our clear policies enact this.
  • Training prospectus View here to download the current BPIF Training prospectus.

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